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Screenplay Scene Summary by Sean Connally Working Title: The Curse of Darth Maul "On 12:01 am, January 21, 1999, Toy Stores around the country introduced a set of the most highly anticipated set of action figures since their birth in the seventies. These toys drew potential buyers of all ages, some way too old to be buying them for conventional uses, to the front gates of the stores. One man, though really only a boy at heart, broke to the front of the line, tripping and pushing all the old and obese comic book store owners to the ground to claim his prize. In 14 seconds, he took every single Darth Maul action figure and purchased them with his new retainer money, leaving everyone else with an incomplete collection. His act of greed did not go unpunished for as he opened the first figure, he unleashed a dark force that complicated his life from then on…" FADE IN 1) INT. RYAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT RYAN, male, 18, awakens in the middle of the night screaming in terror. 2) EXT. RYAN'S BACKYARD - DAY A group of high school students work on their video project for English. SEAN, sarcastic male, 18, directs JORDAN, who plays Obi-Won Kenobi/Macduff, and Ryan, who plays Darth Maul/Macbeth. JOSH, obedient male, does the camera work. While shooting Act 5 Scene 8 from Macbeth, Ryan becomes possessed by his Darth Maul character and ruins the scene when he overcomes Jordan and "kills" him. This upsets Sean because Ryan is not following the script. Jordan also becomes upset because he needs a good grade on this video project to boost his faltering English grade, so he tries to fight with Ryan. Sean breaks it up and tells Ryan to take the day off to rest. Josh takes Ryan into the house. Jordan and Sean pack everything up. 3) INT. RYAN'S BEDROOM - DAY Ryan kneels in front of his dresser to speak with the Darth Maul action figure. DMAF tells Ryan that he must exact revenge on Obi-Won Kenobi for killing him in SW Episode I. Ryan adheres and walks over to the window to watch Sean and Jordan talk in the back yard. 4) EXT. RYAN'S BACKYARD - DAY Jordan and Sean discuss the events that have transpired. Jordan reveals that he needs the good English grade so he can graduate with honors. Sean reveals that the characters in their movie are from Star Wars because it gives him an excuse to get their video on TFN Films on TheForce.Net. While they talk, Ryan watches them from the window. 5) INT. RYAN'S BEDROOM - DAY Ryan walks away from the window and to the dresser. He tells DMAF that he will kill Obi-Won (Jordan). DMAF says that there is another task that he must complete to become a Dark Jedi. 6) EXT. JORDAN'S HOUSE (it will be shot at my house)- LATER Sean drops Jordan off. 7) INT. JORDAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Jordan gets dressed for bed, then walks to the bathroom. 8) INT. JORDAN'S BATHROOM - NIGHT Jordan brushes his teeth. He opens the medicine cabinet to get the mouthwash, takes a swig and closes the medicine cabinet. As he closes the cabinet, he sees Ryan standing behind him. This startles Jordan and causes him to spit all the mouthwash on the bathroom mirror. Ryan reveals that he has constructed a double bladed lightsaber. He tries to come after Jordan, but Jordan closes the door. Ryan stabs through the door a la Qui-Gonn in SW EP1, narrowly missing Jordan's head, but gets his lightsaber stuck in the door. Jordan opens the door, ripping the saber out of Ryan's hands. Jordan jumps up, grabs the doorframe molding, swings, and kicks Ryan to the floor. Jordan picks up the lightsaber and asks where he got it. Ryan won't answer with anything but death threats. Upon closer examination, Jordan notices that it is only a toy. Ryan says that it's his weapon and uses the force to pull it out of his hand, then uses the force to push Jordan into the bathroom and shut the door. Ryan then force-jumps out the staircase window. Jordan comes out the bathroom and looks at the staircase window from the top of the stairs. The window is open and the curtains are blowing. Jordan looks down and sees Ryan lying on the landing floor. Ryan gets up rubbing his back, and looks back at Jordan in bewilderment, then quickly runs down the stairs and out the front door. Jordan goes back to his room and goes to bed. 9) INT. JORDAN'S BEDROOM - MORNING Sean walks into Jordan's bedroom to try to wake up Jordan. As he leans over Jordan's bed, Jordan comes from behind him and breaks a small chair (or a wooden bat) on his back. Sean screams. Jordan realizes that it's Sean and not Ryan so he apologizes. After much complaining, Sean tells Jordan that he came to pick him up for more video shooting. Jordan refuses because Ryan is trying to kill him. Sean assures him that he is not, and convinces Jordan to leave by agreeing to investigate the situation. 10) EXT. RYAN'S HOUSE - DAY Jordan and Sean knock on the front door. Josh answers and lets them in. He tells them that Ryan has been gone all night. The three decide to go look in Ryan's room for clues. 11) INT. RYAN'S UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY Ryan's door is closed. Josh goes in and quickly comes out closing his eyes and covering his ears. He says that they shouldn't go in there. They argue over who should go in, so they all go in at once. 12) INT. RYAN'S ROOM - DAY As they enter, Duel of the Fates blasts from inside. The three huddle in the center of the room screaming at all they see around them: Darth Maul posters, memorabilia, signs that say "I must kill Obi-Won Kenobi" all over the walls. They leave the room. 13)
INT. RYAN'S UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY They all agree that Ryan is acting strange and Sean devises a plan to lure him into the movie and get the footage needed. 14) EXT. RYAN'S BACKYARD - DAY Jordan sits tied to a chair with Jedi action figures all around him. Sean and Josh hide behind a bush. Eventually, Ryan comes hunting after them. Jordan leaps out of the chair and engages in a sword fight with Ryan. 15) EXT. FIGHT SCENE #2 16) EXT. FIGHT SCENE #3 17) EXT. FIGHT SCENE #4 18) EXT. RYAN'S BACKYARD - DAY Jordan defeats the Evil power possessing Ryan 19) INT. RYAN'S BEDROOM - DAY Upset at Ryan, Ryan's Mom takes his clothes up to his room for him. After she enters the room, she turns off his CD player that was playing Duel of the Fates. She lays the clothes on his dresser, knocking of his DMAF. She picks up the figure. 20) EXT. RYAN'S BACKYARD - DAY
Everyone cleans up. Ryan's Mom demands that he come inside. Ryan complies reluctantly. She says that she had told him to put them away hours ago. They argue. Finally, they hear the sound of a lightsaber igniting, followed by "Ah, crap." From the outside, Sean, Jordan, and Josh wince. FADE TO BLACK |